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Ligandrol (LGD-4033)10mg

(1 customer review)


Product consists of 30 gelatin capsules, there is 10 milligrams of Ligandrol (LGD-4033) in each capsule.

Length of Research: 8-12 weeks

Not for human consumption. For research purposes only.

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Ligandrol is the most well-researched SARM. Only one study has been related to investigation of its biological effects. Therefore while most of the research effort has been aimed towards doping detection instead. For example, one milligram dose of ligandrol suppressed total testosterone and sex hormone. Therefore, LGD-4033 is similar to synthetic analogues of male sex hormone. Therefore, It is somewhat milder and without the likelihood of a comparable risk of hepatotoxicity. Likewise, it does not cause an increase in female sex hormone levels.

The production of natural testosterone is quite significant. Therefore, it is important to use in cycles. It does not transform into substances with female sex hormone activity. Whitch is however a problem of classical substances. For instance, in a clinical study, 1 mg dose has yielded positive results. But it is classified as a doping substance. However, no serious adverse effects or increased liver enzymes were not detected. And lipid levels returned to baseline after discontinuation of LGD-4033. The recommended dose is 10-20 mg. There are no tests on clinical studies.


  • Firslt it clearly increases muscle mass and strength
  • Secondly, has male sex hormone-like traits
  • In addition reduces fat mass
  • It does not cause an increase in female sex hormone levels

Read more about Ligandrol.